These people are rotten to the core, and at this point their persistence with these tactics totally mystify me. I no longer even see their goal, even if there is one.

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Their goal is defence of their status and privileges, through any means necessary. On some level they are not even consciously aware of this since their capacity for reason and personalities have disintegrated.

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yeah they believe their own bullshit which is what makes them even more dangerous

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Not even clear they still even have a capacity for belief as such... there is a aggression/mindlessness involved here which is no longer exactly human.

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I just read the actual text and yes, I understand it to be as you say. In short, we have seen you and Nina be right about all of this.

Something that Nina was saying way back was that the internal procedures of the Labour party wrt to the trans issue were scarily out of control. She said that several years back. Nobody read the content of what she said at the time--instead empty allegations were made all of which missed the point. Now her concerns have been proven more true than 'anyone on the Left' knew or now has the power to analyse. But this might have all been seen at the time.

Daniel, you were only a 'counter-protestor' in the sense that anyone is who makes the right gesture in the right moment and risks themselves in doing so. That is, you were not a 'counter-protestor' but a hero in that moment.

The language is rigged. Everything you protested about has now come into focus as the real problem, and not an innovative art gallery, probably the final one. I can also testify to what you say about the bookshop being, in every regard, absolutely true.

Where are all those people now, with Melbourne, the mandates in US universities, the roll out of a genuinely 'fascist' medical industrial complex way beyond what Trump even hinted at? They have nothing to say. Many of them are promoting Big Pharma on the TL.

They took to the streets to protest Lucia Diego's genius, and they took to Facebook to persecute with no sense of justice at all. And yet, now?

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We should pray for their souls

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I very rarely leave comments, but I just wanted to say that this is spot on mate. And, what's more, unlike your morally repugnant detractors and slanderers, you possess integrity, courage, and a backbone. Writing like yours and Nina's is sorely needed. Especially in the current nightmare of rigid ideological conformity, and the daily unpersoning that is championed so vociferously by the cultural left that we find ourselves subjected to. Anyway, all the best and keep putting pen to paper

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The most heartbreaking aspect of it all is that nothing is sacred, no rock is left unturned. Some of these Institutions whether academic (arms of the state) or cultural on some level are expected to have problems of nepotism, groupthink, or stagnation.

As the years go on the biggest disappointment is seeing how cowardly underground or unaffiliated artists are. Most of them have little if nothing to say, and if they do comment on anything they capitulate to lowest common denominator thinking. It’s hard to believe the Library of music etc. seems impotent now. What did it all stand for? This is seemingly the rest of our lives, and I know there will never be another moment where I lose so much respect for so many at once. It’s truly obscene.

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Yet one also gains respect for others

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U have fans and supporters Mr. Miller. U r a resilient wordsmith and these h8rs r decrepit goblin cenobites. Take it from me, TheDeadCorpseOfLuisaCasati, the only way from the abyss is up. I am in the 3rd circle of Dante’s Inferno for gluttony and excess cuz I like 2 party but the angels tell me u r going 2 heaven cuz ur neshama is pure like the bleached añus of young vicuña used for a nice Loro Piana jumper.

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I just do what Khidr says.

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